CAAS, NATS collaborate to address air traffic management

  • 29-May-2012 08:08 UTC

The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and NATS, the U.K.’s leading air navigation service provider, signed a memorandum of cooperation allowing both parties to collaborate, exchange ideas and experiences, as well as develop and implement new initiatives to tackle air traffic management challenges. The areas of potential cooperation include the exchange of information, knowledge, and expertise through staff exchange and other programs; development of best practices in air navigation service provision to optimize air traffic flow and capacity and human performance; and cooperation in activities to explore new air traffic management concepts to modernize the air traffic management system. NATS, a company that provides air traffic control to all London airports, faces similar operational challenges as a major air hub in Europe and has been sharing its experience and expertise of managing high-intensity air traffic operations with CAAS.

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